
❝Creating Vtuber model fresh from the oven.❞


Welcome to Karamomo, our restaurant-themed Live2D riggers and illustrators guild.

Our beginning started in mid-2020. We were a small group of three people working and doing commissions together. As time passed, our business keeps expanding, and with the addition of new people into the circle, we finally decided to officially form a guild together.

The restaurant theme idea was inspired from vtuber terms "mama", "papa", and "vtuber children". Based on these terms, creating vtuber is like creating our own "child", or "buns in the oven".

Creating vtuber models also reminded us of bakers and pastry chefs. You can taste the quality of the bread by the skills and passion that's put into it. Same as us, we hope that you can feel the love that's put into creating your model.



Meet our ever-growing staff
that will turn your ideas into reality♥


Alt Name: Kujamori
Position: Head Chef
Specialty: Rigging and


Alt Name: Giratora
Position: Hostess
Specialty: Rigging


Alt Name: Himsen
Position: Barista
Specialty: Rigging and


Position: Baker
Specialty: Rigging and Illustration


Position: Line Cook
Specialty: Graphic Design,
Rigging, Illustration


Position: Maid
Specialty: Rigging


Alt Name: Revr
Position: Cashier
Specialty: Illustration


Position: Delivery
Specialty: Illustration


Position: Security
Specialty: Social Media


Position: Server
Specialty: Rigging


Services that correspond to your Vtubing needs, such as rigging and model illustration. We also provide other Live2D services (coming soon!)

Choose from four of our rigging tiers that match your project scale. Returning clients can also request additional services or upgrade their rig.

From initial concept to ready-to-rig model. Our artist can provide everything you need with a wide range of art styles.

Our specialty as a restaurant-themed guild. Foodsona is a food illustration themed around your character, done by one of our artists.

Rigging Tier

All prices will increase based on complexity. Commercial price included.Scroll down to see additional options (toggles, emotes, etc.)

Cookies (クッキー)


This affordable rigging tier is perfect for bite-sized models and half-body models. But, don't underestimate it! It's packed with complete XYZ head movement, complete mouth vowels, and physics! Three free (simple) emotes also provided ♥

Brownies (ブラウニー)


Is Cookies not enough for your model but don't want to go for Chiffon just yet? Then Brownies is a perfect choice.It's filled with body XYZ, arms movement, and upgraded physics. Even if it's not as complicated as Chiffon, sometimes less is more. Just like brownies ♥

Chiffon (シフォン)

Full Body $1880++
Half Body $1280++

As the name suggests, this rig tier is perfect for someone who's looking for soft, smooth, fuwa-fuwa physics. It's one of our house specialties ♥Not only that, but it's also packed with complete eye physics (eyeshine, eyelash, etc.), arms physics, and legs movement.

Macaron (マカロン)


Macaron has all the qualities that you can find on the previous tiers, and more! Your model will look even more lively with a wide range of XYZ body movements, including additional back/forth movement that would complete the 3D illusion.Combining Macaron with Vtube Studio (iOS version), your model will be able to do cute puffed cheeks, mouth left/right, and a very adorable tongue blep ♥

Our lovely BGM is by Rukadesu, check them out!

Tier Comparison

TiersCookies (クッキー) $380+Brownies (ブラウニー) $680+Chiffon (シフォン) $1280 - $1880+Macaron (マカロン) $2480+
Model SizeChibi or Half BodyHalf or Full BodyHalf or Full BodyFull Body
Head AngleXY 15° and ZXY 30° and ZXY 45°and ZXY 45°and Z
EyesBlink, Smile, Pupil XYFullFull + PhysicsFull + Physics
MouthAll vowelsAll vowelsAll vowelsAll + Mouth X, Cheek, Tongue
Body AngleLimitedXYZXYZWider XYZ + In/Out
LimbsLimitedArms XYZArms Physics + Legs XYZArms Physics + Legs XYZ
Head PhysicsModerateModerateAdvancedAdvanced
Body PhysicsSimpleModerateAdvancedAdvanced
*Emote Toggles3 (Simple) Free3 (Simple) Free3 (Simple) Free3 (Simple) Free

Angle X = Turning left/right
Angle Y = Turning up/down
Angle Z = Tilting left/right
*Only 3 simple emotes counts as free, complicated or animated emotes will still require extra fee. Simple emotes include: non-facial simple asset like angry vein, blush without custom mouth/eyes, comical eyes (>.< ; o.o ; etc.), changing colors, on/off asset toggle, dark shadows on face/eye, etc.

VBridger Mouth

Start from $150 up to $250 depending on mouth complexity. If you have tongue add-ons, extra $30 will apply.

Extra Toppings

  • $15~$25 each for simple expression toggle (angry vein, doom lines, etc.)

  • $40~$80 each for complex expression toggle (custom eyes with additional rig, additional mouth, tears animation, etc.)

  • $80+ for smooth transition hand toggle$60+ for standard animal ears rig

  • $80+ for complex animal ears rig

  • $60+ for standard animal ears rig

  • $100+ for complex tail rig

  • 40% to 80% of base price for extra outfit rig (depends on complexity)

  • $60 to $200+ for custom animation (depends on complexity)

Model Illustration

Each artist has different rates depending on the art style. Please contact us for more personalized pricing. Commercial price already included.Design fee applies if designing a model from scratch.Clients are free to choose other rigger(s) outside of Karamomo Kitchen.


  • Design: $280+

  • Half Body: $600+

  • Full Body: $800+

  • Extra Outfit: $300~$600+


  • Design: $280+

  • Half Body: $600+

  • Full Body: $800+

  • Extra Outfit: $300~$600+


  • Design: $200+

  • Half Body: $600+

  • Full Body: $850+

  • Extra Outfit: $100~$450+


your character in form of food

As we are restaurant-themed guild, we provide a service for our clients in the form of foodsona doodles, done by one of our artists.What food is best to represent your character? We'll send the finished transparent png so you can use it in stream.

We have a few examples based on our current members.

Price: $120

Ideas and design fee included







Coming soon!

Term Of Service

Make sure you read through ToS before commissioning.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions ✿

Last updated: January 30th 2023

General ToS♥Commission is not based on first-come-first-serve, we have the right to decline any commission without revealing the reason.♥We only accept commission application by filling out forms that can be accessed from our "Order" page.♥Commission acceptance will be based on our preference, availability, and each rigger's ability. We will contact both accepted and denied clients to inform their status.♥We have the right to not disclose our guild's inner operation and commission selection criteria.♥Rigging commission will be assigned to our rigger based on the rigger's preferences. The client cannot choose a specific rigger to work on the rigging. We try our best to keep the quality equal between our rigger by training and supervising.♥If the client has a 3rd party model artist and they agree to do revisions, there will be a required fee for creating cutting and asset revision guides for the model artist. The price ranges from $40 to $100 depending on how many revision guides needed.♥If the client has a 3rd party model artist and they let Karamomo handle all of the revisions, there will be a required fee for working on the revisions. The price will depend on model and revision complexity, and will be discussed first with the client.♥Turn-over time for rigging is as early as 3 weeks. Chiffon and Macaron tier's production time is usually around 2 months. We will ensure to update the client if any delays happen that affect the turn-over time.♥Turn-over time for model illustration is around 3-4 weeks. Please confirm with the artist again as each artist may have a different turn-over time. We will ensure to update the client if anything happens that can delay it.♥Additional requests and/or changes when the commission is in progress will incur extra charges.♥We have the right to decline requests that were not discussed prior to the beginning of the commission if it is out of the project's current scale/tier.♥We will not provide CMO3 file, CAN3 file, and raw PSD file (all layers still separated), however exceptions can be made (may or may not include extra charges).♥The price list stated in the website is only the starting price, we have the right to request for additional fees.♥Additional fees will be incurred based on the complexity of the design. For rigging, complexity price may range from $50 to $400 in addition to the base price. For model illustration, the chosen illustrator will discuss the price with their client.

NSFW Commission☆We will only accept NSFW commission from adult (18+) client.☆The character depicted on the NSFW commission must be adult (18+).☆The range and limit of NSFW commission that is acceptable to us will need to be discussed first.☆We will censor the NSFW commission when posting it on our social media. If it is too much to censor, we will not post it to our social media at all. Client still needs to credit us above any conditions.

Copyright and Commercial Use✿We still maintain rights to all our works which consist of the riggings and arts that were made by us based on the commissioned works. The clients are forbidden to claim said rigging and art works as their own. However the clients still maintain the right to their own character design, ideas and intellectual properties.✿We have the right to show the client's model and rig as a portfolio and post showcase videos to our social media.✿The client must credit Karamomo on their social media accounts, or Twitch/Youtube channel. On Twitter, the client must include Karamomo's handle on their bio. Crediting a specific artist/rigger is optional. Extra fee will apply to remove all credits.✿Commercial price already applied to all of our commissions. The client is free to use it for profit.

Payment and Refund✦Payment is in USD or IDR.✦IDR will follow the current USD rates.✦Payment will be upfront when we are about to start the commission. The client can choose between full payment or 50% upfront. The last 50% must be paid when the commission is close to being complete.✦Payment is through Paypal invoice. We also accept Payoneer. The client must discuss with us prior if they would like to use alternate methods.✦For cancellation by the client, only a partial payment will be refunded. If the client cancels but we have not worked on it yet, 80% is refunded. If the commission is in progress, the refund will be based on the percentage of completion.✦For cancellation by us, a full refund will always be provided if we have not worked on it yet. Full refund will also be provided when the commission is in progress, but exception from case-by-case may apply.


This promo is only for Indonesian Vtuber ✿

Khusus Vtuber Indonesia, dalam jangka waktu Comivuro 2, kami menyediakan rigging tier khusus yaitu:


$450 atau Rp6.000.000

♢Slot terbatas
♢Kompleksitas setingkat dengan Chiffon tier
♢Harga $450 atau 6 juta rupiah, dibanding dengan Chiffor tier yang $800

Jika tertarik, silahkan isi form commissionnya di bawah ini.🌸 Link form commission: https://forms.gle/QaLwgypC91k31AKU8Yang terpilih nanti akan kami hubungi dalam jangka waktu 2 minggu setelah 19 Desember. Atau bisa tanyakan langsung di media sosial Karamomo.

Silahkan download vtuber aset Karamomo Fried Chicken🐔 🍤 dengan mengunjungi channel discord kami di server Comifuro dan Blok C!Kami di booth C-56!♢Comifuro invite link: https://discord.gg/R8WD5z5VJs
♢Blok C invite link: https://discord.gg/PVcnMqGT


Thank you for your interest in commissioning us♥Before proceeding, please make sure you have read all of our Term of Service.Currently, our public commission is closed. But feel free to send your inquiry to our email or Twitter(X) DM!

Check our work queue here:

Have question? We can be contacted via:


The following information is only for Indonesian region.

Kami mencari illustrator dan rig animator (rigger) untuk bergabung dengan guild kami.

Ketentuan Umum:

  • Kerja secara remote.

  • Jam kerja flexible.

  • Sistem kerja freelance per project, bagi hasil jika 1 project dikerjakan lebih dari 1 orang.


  • Umur di atas 18 tahun. (Bukan siswa, mahasiswa boleh.)

  • Mempunyai PC/Laptop.

  • Bisa menggunakan antara Adobe Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, atau PaintTool SAI.

  • Style bebas tapi kualitas menengah ke atas. Tidak perlu mahir membuat vtuber model, nanti akan kita training.

  • Dapat menerima kritik dan punya keinginan belajar.

  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim.

  • Lancar bahasa Inggris/Mandarin/Jepang adalah nilai plus.

Rig animator (rigger):

  • Umur di atas 18 tahun. (Bukan siswa, mahasiswa boleh.)

  • Skill menengah-atas, minimal sudah rigging 5+ model.

  • Paham anatomi, proporsi, dan perspektif badan manusia (terutama style anime).

  • Bisa digital art adalah nilai plus.

  • Dapat menerima kritik dan punya keinginan belajar.

  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim.

  • Lancar bahasa Inggris/Mandarin/Jepang adalah nilai plus.

Jika berminat, isi form di bawah ini.
Form Lowongan Kerja
Pengisian form ditutup pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2022.Mau tanya-tanya lebih lanjut? Kita juga bisa ngobrol bareng di Comifuro 15 booth Karamomo Kitchen (AA 82-83)!


This promo is only for Indonesian Vtubers ✿

Khusus Vtuber Indonesia, dalam jangka waktu AFAID 2024 sampai Comifuro 18, kami menyediakan harga commission khusus yaitu:

Ilustrasi Model

Desain: Rp2.000.000
Model Halfbody: Rp4.000.000
Model Fullbody: Rp6.000.000
Model Chibi: Rp4.000.000

♢Slot terbatas
♢Harga dapat meningkat berdasarkan kompleksitas desain VTuber

Tier Klepon

Half/Fullbody: Rp6.000.000
Chibi: Rp4.000.000

♢Slot terbatas
♢Kompleksitas gerakan setingkat dengan Chiffon tier
♢Harga $450 atau 6 juta rupiah, dibanding dengan Chiffon tier ($1000+)
♢Harga dapat meningkat berdasarkan kompleksitas desain VTuber

Jika tertarik, silahkan isi form commissionnya di bawah ini.Link form commission:🌸Ilustrasi Model: https://forms.gle/QqjKCGJR1W4zKfSx9🌸Rigging: https://forms.gle/1kRGjphra8v62By8APengisian form akan ditutup pada tanggal 17 Mei, yang terpilih nanti akan kami hubungi dalam jangka waktu 2 minggu setelah 17 Mei. Atau bisa tanyakan langsung di media sosial Karamomo.